Loaves & Fishes Initiative

Nov 11, 2019 | Newsletter


The biblical imagery of the story of the feeding of the five thousand sets the picture of God’s continuous care for His people.  Stratford & District Christian School has chosen the parable of the loaves and fishes to be a visual reminder of what the Lord can  do through this donation drive.  As Christ took a little and turned it into an abundant feast with food to spare, so we desire to, with the Lord’s guidance, use your faithful fights to continue to provide quality, Christ-centered education to our Christian community.

Historically SDCS has raised most of their needed funds through various events and fundraisers held though each school year.  Over the course of the last few years we have seen that this is devoting a less than effective way of doing things.  We are hoping that by minimizing the number of fundraisers we hold each year, we can reduce burn-out in our families and connect with a broader spectrum of Christian school supporters.

At SDCS our goal is to educate each child in the light of God’s Word.  We strive to encourage each child to discover to develop and to use their gifts to glorify God in all areas of their lives.  In order to continue to attain this goal, we depend on the faithful support of our greater school community.  

Ways your financial gifts directly impart our school community include:


  • Helping to keep Christian education at SDCS accessible by keeping tuition affordable for families.
  • Providing funds for the overall budgeted overall operating needs of the school each year.
  • Enabling us to offer quality Christ-centered academic programs and curriculum.

At SDCS we believe that training children in the way they should go is a responsibility we share together. Being a part of such a community is such a blessing. Won’t you join us in coming together and being a part of molding and shaping the next generation of Christian leaders to be rooted and built up in Christ.