The Bible is at the centre of what we teach. Our students follow a well-rounded curriculum built on God’s Word and God’s world. We focus on building a strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and faith to help our students succeed in school and in life. With 11 distinct areas of study, we strive to provide high academic standards while maintaining our Biblical perspective.
We set objectives that outline what we want our students to learn at each grade level to guide lesson planning. In our curriculum overview, we have listed these objectives with brief content statements that highlight how the biblical perspective is integrated into the elementary school curriculum.

Perspective: At the
Program: K-3 — The program consists of the telling of the stories of the Old and New Testament each year with a gradual increase in emphasis on understanding, enjoyment
4-8 — There is

Perspective: To develop the students’ ability to view creations artistically and to respond with their own creative works.
Program: With the use of a variety of techniques (drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture) the students can find new ways to express their perceptions and experiences through exploration, invention, shaping

Physical education
Perspective: To realize that our bodies are temples of the Lord and to learn that care for the body is our responsibility
Program: The Physical Education Program emphasizes health fitness and motor proficiency. Skill building in locomotion and non-locomotion movements is stressed in the early grades. In the middle grades skill building in a number of sports is a part of the P.E. program. Good sportsmanship and good effort are encouraged. Health topics are part of the Physical Education or Science program.

Perspective: God is the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe. The more its incredible complexity amazing order and material laws are revealed, the more our universe points to the Master Designer and Law giver.
Program: Science is a subject area in grades 3-8. The integrated theme units in K-8 do have aspects of the study of God’s Creation.

Perspective: Music is a gift of God to allow Christians to express their gratitude to God and to enrich our lives. It is the one universal language that all people can effectively communicate with one another.
Program: Our music program includes singing and rythym in all grades, the use of recorders in grades 3 and 4, ukuleles grades 5 and 6 our instrumental band program in grades 7 & 8. Music theory development is incorporated in grades 3-8.

Language Arts
Perspective: To develop one of the greatest of God’s gifts to man; the ability to give oral and written expression to that which he experiences as a cultural ruler of creation.
Program: This includes the areas of phonics, spelling, reading, creative writing, grammar, poetry, novels

Perspective: To help students to investigate and to discover that God’s creation has numerical order, unity
Program: By way of different techniques (discovery, exploration, drill) the students are led to recognize relationships between numbers and patterns. At the Primary level students work with concrete and abstract materials. In the Junior and Intermediate grades, Mathematics is a fundamental subject providing a set of skills necessary for future studies in several disciplines as well as basic life skills.

Perspective: The study of another language helps create a better understanding of the diversity of people who have been made in the image of God.
Program: French is taught in all grades. The Primary Course 1-3 deals with simple words and structures, stories and songs. Grades 4-8 follows a more structured program emphasizing the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

social Studies
Perspective: As God calls us to live in this world, we want to help our students acknowledge our collective and responsibility to God’s Creation. Care for other people and the environment are part of the cultural mandate God gave to humanity. Our students will be helped by studying people, events
Program: K-2 learns various parts of God’s world in the study of creatures, land and sea, and peoples’ responses to their environment. In grade 7 & 8 Social Studies is defined as Geography and History.

Perspective: The History curriculum has an emphasis on God’s Redemptive plan throughout history.
Program: Study of early Canadian History is taught from a

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